Archive for January, 2017

5 Super Snacks for the Big Game

Are you ready for the Big Game? A championship get-together demands super snacks but not at the expense of your teeth. That’s why we’ve put together a few tasty game day snacking ideas with healthy ingredients.  Of course, these are snacks, and none of them are perfect. Regardless of what you eat, don’t forget to

The Best and Worst Drinks for Your Teeth

THE BEST 1. Milk. It does a body (and your chompers) good. With loads of calcium and vitamin D, dairy keeps them strong and healthy. Milk also has something called caseins, a type of protein that forms a protective film on the enamel of your teeth to prevent decay. 2. Vodka soda. If you’re ordering a drink at the


Nehl Dental
19026 US Highway 85
Belle Fourche, SD, 57717

Telephone: (605) 892-3603
Emergency: (605) 210-2621
Toll-Free: (800) 611-8796