Posts in the ‘Dental Information’ Category

Three Denture Care Tips

Your dentures will last longer and fit better if you take proper care of them. Keep these points in mind to keep your dentures in top shape: Clean dentures daily: Brush your dentures each day the same way that you would brush your teeth, with one key difference: Skip the toothpaste. Many commercial types of toothpaste can

Back to School = Back to School Dental Checkup

8 Secrets to a Successful Back-to-School Dental Checkup Backpack? Check. Booster shots? Check. Teeth cleaning? Check! Regular dental visits are important year-round, but a back-to-school checkup is key in fighting the most common chronic disease found in school-age children: cavities. In fact, dental disease causes children to miss more than 51 million school hours each year. Prevention and

Which foods are best for your child teeth?

Tips for selecting and eating foods that are more healthful to your child’s teeth: Keep lots of fruits and vegetables in your house — to offer as “healthy snacks” — instead of carbohydrates. Choose fruits and vegetables that contain a high volume of water, such as pears, melons, celery, and cucumbers. Limit bananas and raisins, as these contain concentrated sugar,

Your Baby’s First Dental Visit – How to Prepare

Your Baby’s First Dental Visit Your baby is hitting new milestones every day, and his or her first dental visit is another one to include in the baby book! Your child’s first dental visit should take place after that first tooth appears, but no later than the first birthday. Why so early? As soon as your baby

5 summer tips for healthy teeth

Summer is here! This summer, stay hydrated and healthy. But think carefully when you choose your beverage – some drinks can increase your risk of tooth decay. Drink waterKeep your mouth moist by drinking water throughout the day. This helps wash away plaque-causing bacteria and can even improve your breath. Choose tapFluoridated tap water strengthens your enamel,

What to know when selecting a toothbrush

Selecting a toothbrush: There is more to your brush than the color! (But in case you’re wondering, the most popular toothbrush color is blue.) Bristle firmness: Soft brushes are recommended by dentists for daily use. Unless your dentist advises you otherwise, reach for a brush labeled “soft” on the package. Bristle shape: Are the ends

What do you need to know when selecting a toothpaste?

Selecting a toothpaste: No matter the brand, always select a toothpaste with the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval. Anti-cavity: Almost all the options on the market contain fluoride. Fluoride is just as important as brushing in preventing decay, and it actively strengthens tooth enamel. Anti-gingivitis: Do your gums suffer from redness and bleeding?

What Are Dental Implants?

What are Dental Implants? Dental implants are metal posts or frames that are surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath your gums. Once in place, they allow your dentist to mount replacement teeth onto them. How do Dental Implants Work? Because implants fuse to your jawbone, they provide stable support for artificial teeth. Dentures and bridges

Four spring tips for a healthy mouth

Doing some spring cleaning? While you’re busy beating rugs, cleaning curtains and organizing cabinets, don’t forget to check your bathroom counter! Add these four items to your checklist to include dental hygiene in your battle plan. 1. Replace old or worn toothbrushes Get in the habit of changing your toothbrush every three months. The ability

It’s not just bad breath, oral hygiene is important to prevent dementia

Stress on oral hygiene has been part of civilizations across the world since centuries and it is not without reason. Oral health is not just about having good teeth and keeping away bad breath. Having a clean mouth is important to keep our entire body healthy, and the connection is big.  Saliha Nasline brings you some examples


Nehl Dental
19026 US Highway 85
Belle Fourche, SD, 57717

Telephone: (605) 892-3603
Emergency: (605) 210-2621
Toll-Free: (800) 611-8796