Posts in the ‘wellness’ Category

Could a Probiotic Pill Prevent Dental Cavities?

  Yvette Brazier In 2011-2012, dental cavities, or caries, affected 91% of adults aged 20-64 years in the US, exacerbated by consumption of sugary foods and drink, lack of oral hygiene and not paying regular visits to the dentist. For the mouth to stay healthy, pH levels must be neutral. Too much acid can cause

Do Ergonomic Toothbrushes Clean Teeth Better?

by Jennifer Acosta Scott The practice of brushing your teeth hasn’t changed much since 1938, the year that the modern toothbrush was introduced. But the toothbrush itself has evolved quite a bit. Stroll through the oral health aisle at your local drugstore and you may be surprised by the number of toothbrush styles available and the

Why Patients Say “I’ll Think About It”

by Michael Kesner, DDS How many times has this happened to you? You do a thorough examination on Mrs. Jones, taking a full set of X-rays. You work up a well thought out treatment plan that will restore her mouth to health and function. You take 30 to 45 minutes out of your busy schedule to

Should You Bite on Dental Insurance?

by Amy Fontinelle There’s no question that dental work is expensive – especially when you need to have major work done. If you’re not covered through your job, you may have to purchase it on your own. However, purchased privately, dental insurance can be a huge waste of money if your plan doesn’t match your

Trouble Sleeping? The Size of Your Tongue and Tonsils Could be Why.

by Marcene Robinson The best time to identify signs of obstructive sleep apnea may not be at night while snoozing in bed but, instead, while sitting in the dentist’s chair. According to a new study led by University at Buffalo orthodontic researcher Thikriat Al-Jewair, dentists are in the unique position as health care professionals to

Coffee Stained Teeth And How To Fix Them

by Laure Justice  There was a time when coffee lovers had to either accept coffee stained teeth or give up the beverage. Now, thanks to tooth whitening products, you no longer have to choose between enjoying your favorite morning beverage and maintaining a bright smile. Reducing your coffee consumption will, however, help maintain whiteness after using

A New Year’s You: Dental Health Resolutions

by Yolanda Eddis  Your dental health is an important part of your overall wellness, and the New Year is a great time to create resolutions for improving your health. Many people have dental health resolutions that range from improving their toothbrushing habits to completing delayed dental treatment. Understanding the benefits of your particular resolutions can be

Looking After Your Teeth: Five New Year’s Resolutions For A Healthier Mouth

by Amy Freeman  We all make new year’s resolutions, but many of us are not likely to follow through. Turning over a new leaf in the New Year can be tricky, but finding a way to stick with it is important when that new leaf benefits your health. If you want to take better care when

Five Elf On The Shelf Ideas To Promote Dental Health

by Rachael Moshman  Do you have a little visitor from the North Pole staying at your house? As December goes on, many of us are looking for some fresh Elf on the Shelf ideas. Why not use your elf to promote good dental practices? Here are some ways to get Santa’s spy to encourage your kids

Fun Holiday Treats For Kids With Braces

by Jenny Green When the holiday season comes around, there’s no need for kids with braces to miss out on the traditional treats. Some candies can damage braces, but there are plenty of safe and tasty snacks to satisfy young taste buds without interfering with orthodontia. In fact, when preparing fun holiday treats with your child,


Nehl Dental
19026 US Highway 85
Belle Fourche, SD, 57717

Telephone: (605) 892-3603
Emergency: (605) 210-2621
Toll-Free: (800) 611-8796